Generally people buy used or cheap bows to start off with, but this can be as expensive as buying the top of the line brand new. Ever heard the saying “penny wise pound foolish” or “goedkoopkoop is duurkoop!”…?
Most sellers don’t inform the buyer of all they need to know, they just want to get rid of the said items.
You need to purchase products specific to your needs. For example, equipment for indoor archery will not be similar to equipment for outdoor archery. Depending on the type of archery that you want to practice, you need to purchase archery accessories or equipment that fits the style and purpose of your endeavors.
For help in this regard please feel free to contact Archery Western Cape.
Archers generally need to take a look at a couple of things when buying new or used bows and equipment.
The most important is to check if the item you want to buy is going to fit your bow or the purpose you want to use it for.
Ask yourself:
What do I want to use this item for?
Can I use this item- will it fit my build- Draw Weight or Draw Length?
Will this item fit my bow and style of shooting?
Will it last for the duration I want to use it?
Might there be a slightly better item than this to use?
Archers need to practice with their own personalized equipment, because you get to know every inch of your equipment and this makes you a more efficient archer in the end.
It takes time to get used to new equipment.
So, choose wisely and if you’re in the middle of a competitive season, don’t just buy something and expect to win competitions with it.
For Example: If a professional buys a new release, he/she practices with that release for more than 4 months before going to a competition with it.
For more advice please contact archery Cape Town, we offer standardized products for archery and much needed advice.